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Product Availability Estimations

This section provides estimates for when certain product lines will be restocked. These are just estimates and will not always be correct. N/A indicates that there is no planned date or the date is to unclear to state. I try to keep these as up to date as I can but often it's just not clear when some items will be back in stock.

SHS/Super Shooter: In stock, new items to be listed soon
Lonex: Arriving end of September
ZCI: In stock, few new items to be added soon
Core: Being discontinued
Scatterplot: In Stock
HS5 R-hop barrels: All currently available sizes in stock
HSA Lapping kits: In Stock
Synco: In stock
HS5 R-hop and derivatives: In stock
HS5 accuracy products: In stock
Siegetek Concepts: In progress

Latest updated: 09/21/16